BAF Table

(Bunker Sensitivity Table)
For BES & CCE Services
Bunker Price VLSFO in USD BAF in USD*
[Laden Round Trip]
Min Max
170 189 -18.0
190 209 -14.4
210 229 -10.8
230 249 -7.2
250 269 -3.6
270 289 0.0
290 309 3.6
310 329 7.2
330 349 10.8
350 369 14.4
370 389 18.0
390 409 21.6
410 429 25.2
430 449 28.8
450 469 32.4
470 489 36.0
490 509 39.6
510 529 43.2
530 549 46.8
550 569 50.4
570 589 54.0
590 609 57.6
610 629 61.2
630 649 64.8
650 669 68.4
670 689 72.0
690 709 75.6
710 729 79.2
730 749 82.8
750 769 86.4
770 789 90.0
790 809 93.6
810 829 97.2
830 849 100.8
850 869 104.4
870 889 108.0
890 909 111.6
910 929 115.2
930 949 118.8
950 969 122.4
970 989 126.0
990 1009 129.6
1010 1029 133.2
1030 1049 136.8
1050 1069 140.4
1070 1089 144.0
1090 1109 147.6
1110 1129 151.2
1130 1149 154.8
1150 1169 158.4
1170 1189 162.0
1190 1209 165.6
1210 1229 169.2
1230 1249 172.8
1250 1269 176.4
1270 1289 180.0

...and so forth both positive and negative bunker variance…


  • Above BAF amouns are indicated on per TEU, per round trip basis for laden shipment
  • One-way laden BAF is 50% of Round Trip
  • Empty BAF is 50% of Laden


"The methodology of BAF to be authenticated on the basis of average Marine Fuel 0.5% Bunker published by S&P Global Platts ( aka Bunkerwire monthly report as following : "

  • Average of Month-1 (first day to last day) report to be applicable for Month-2
  • The price reference is based on Singapore Platts for BES services and Colombo Platts for CCE service



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